
Moment redistribution |

How moment redistribution leads to more efficient designs

In this tutorial, we’ll discuss moment redistribution in reinforced concrete and how we can use it to our advantage to achieve more efficient designs. When designing any structural element, our first pass usually involves an elastic analysis. However, this approach can leave some structural capacity untapped. We’ll see how we can use the plastic behaviour of reinforced concrete at the ultimate limit state to develop more efficient designs by redistributing moments within the structure. We’ll do this by first explaining the moment redistribution behaviour in a statically indeterminate structure and then exploring what it means for the design of reinforced concrete sections.

Intro to reinforced concrete |

Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals: Analysis and Design of Steel Reinforcement

In this tutorial, we’ll introduce the role of steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete design. We’ll see that steel plays a critical role in developing an internal moment of resistance and compensates for concrete’s inherent brittleness and weakness in tension. We’ll explore the fundamental mechanical model used to describe the behaviour of the cross-section under load. We’ll also see that to avoid a brittle failure, we must limit the depth of the neutral axis at the ultimate limit state. After reading this tutorial, you’ll have a good understanding of how to perform concrete section analysis and basic design.