finite element analysis

Intro to OpenSeesPy |

An Introduction to OpenSees and OpenSeesPy for 2D Truss Analysis

In this tutorial, we’ll take a first look at OpenSeesPy, a Python library for performing finite element analysis based on the OpenSees framework. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to perform 2D truss analysis using OpenSeesPy. I suspect you’ll also be very keen to explore OpenSeesPy further after you see how powerful it is! OpenSees, and by extension OpenSeesPy can be tricky to get started with. The learning curve is relatively steep, but there is a huge amount of functionality packed into the library, so it’s worth persevering with.

Tintagel-Bridge-Render |

Finite Element Analysis and Structural Behaviour Modelling Case Study

In this post we will use the Tintagel footbridge as a case study to explore structural behaviour and show how we can build up an understanding of the structure through analysis of increasingly refined finite element models models. We’ll apply this iterative approach by starting with a simple beam model and incrementally working towards a full 3D finite element model. Throughout this post we’ll make use of finite element analysis codes developed in DegreeTutors courses.

Transmission-tower |

Truss Analysis using the Direct Stiffness Method

In this tutorial we examine the Direct Stiffness Method and work our way through a detailed truss analysis. By the end of this complete introduction, you should understand the basic ideas behind why the method works, how to implement it for truss analysis and you should understand the power and scalability of the technique. Once understood, the direct stiffness method opens the door to structural analysis of large scale complex structures.

Structural Analysis and Stability - Finite Element Analysis

Structural Analysis and Stability – Asymmetrically Propped Structures (2/2)

In part two of this tutorial series we’ll consider how to analyse the lateral stability of a multi-storey structure with an asymmetrical arrangement of stabilising elements. Asymmetrically propped structures undergo twisting or rotation about the centre of stiffness in addition to direct lateral translation. We will consider how to determine the additional forces induced by this twisting. Finally we’ll compare our hand analysis results to a simple finite element analysis model.